Dr. Matthias Kunze

Senior Business Process Consultant, Zalando SE, Berlin Germany, matthias.kunze@zalando.de

Matthias Kunze is a business process manager and business process consultant in the Business Excellence team at Zalando SE. The team is ensuring the reliable performance of Zalando’s operations and business continuity, and enables stakeholders within Zalando to effectively understand, control, and manage their business processes.


Before joining Zalando in 2015, he was a student, research associate, and postdoctoral researcher at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. Besides his contributions to many practical aspects of BPM, his research work focussed on the behavioural analysis of business process models. Matthias Kunze received his PhD in 2013 for his dissertation on “Searching Business Process Models by Example”. Together with Mathias Weske he published the textbook “Behavioural Models – From Modelling Finite Automata to Analysing Business Processes” in 2016.